lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

馃懛馃徏 T H E T A S K

Hello archilearners, this is our last task! Hurray!
We have done an interview for a school principal in order to know how digitally competent the institution is.
We hope that you find this interview interesting and that it helps you understand this course a little bit clearer.


  1. Taking into account that technology is essential nowadays, how are you incorporating ICT in your Personal Learning Environment?

  1. Relationships between peers, between teachers and peers, within learning, within the learning context, beyond the classroom are crucial. How are you going to work with digital competences to encourage them?
  1. What type of activities are you carrying out nowadays in your school to foster creativity, partnership, personalized learning, collaboration in group, social and emotional skills?

  1. It is really important to make everyone participate in schools, especially, families are a main pillar in the school community. How are you including families in your school?

  1. How are you going to guarantee that children acquire civic values?

  1. Have you thought about carrying out any workshop for showing teachers the different uses of ICT in the classroom?

  1. How is your school facilitating resources to compensate the inequalities among students?

  1. Taking into account that teachers have to know how to use ICTs, how are they going to teach this to students with pedagogical tact?

  1. According to the digital age learning, what are the main benefits, opportunities and outcomes of digital learning?

  1. Do you believe that integrate ICT in your school could have any benefit for both, teachers and students?

  1. In which aspects is digital content widely used?

  1. Are the pedagogical possibilities supplied by digital competences reflected in the curricula?

  1. How do you think learning can be improved in your school?
  2. Would you change the weight of digital competence found in the curriculum?

  1. How is your school concerned about what’s happening in the student's’ world out of the school?

  1. What are you going to do to guarantee the acquisition of the competences instead of learning by heart?

  1. What is your perspective about textbooks?
  1. Regarding to diversity and redundancy, are you going to use ICTs instead of textbooks?

  1. Is your school concerned about the continual professional development of  teachers?

    Thank you for reading this post! Here we leave you a photo :)


viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

馃搱 A N A L Y S T

Hi archilearners! I am M陋脕ngela and this week I am going to play the role of analyst☺️

My partners and I  consider that as time has passed, we have learned to organize, but there are things that are still lacking for us. On Monday we used to divide the documents necessary to read to do the task. The purpose of this is to take less time on Tuesday to finish, but sometimes this system does not work, because the member of the group who has to do the medium or the last part of the document, she often doesn´t  understand well what is it about and she can´t do a small summary about she had learn. In our next job we will take this in to account馃挭馃徑
Another thing against us is that we only have one day in which all members of the group can met, and it is on Tuesday afternoon, and we are overwhelmed because we do not have much time to do it.
But not everything is bad, during this task we have enriched our knowledge(and in all the others too) ,there are things that are in the documents that we didn’t  know, such as: the way in which the teachers are distributed in the school and in the high-school.

We made a great poster, although we had not clear idea of how the poster would be, we are very cooperative mates that are suggestion ideas all the time. Our group atmosphere is so great.
The tasks we do are more elaborate each time, the level of our class is going up, and our level as well.

We are so proud about this last task. We wanted this work to be wonderful because this is one of our last works and we wanted to stand out in the exhibition. If we had high expectations, our great work surpassed them.

The best part of the week is on Monday, when the teacher explains the homework. We wish it to be easy馃槀 , and interesting too…. We hate boring and difficult tasks. However, we have learned throughout the course that all the effort has its reward, and if we strive to do a task, and this goes well, pride would be higher.

The worst part of the week is on Tuesday when we started to work and we do not have a clear idea, we were very overwhelmed ... When we started to do things and our work progresses, our mood start to be better.

Even though on Wednesday I could not go to class because I was so sick I know they did a great job, because our wonderful journalist recorded our stars, and she took pictures of all the work of our classmates. So I could see in these photos, that all the groups made a great poster. Also the teacher congratulated my classmates for the great work.

We fond a fun and dynamic way to make a different and original exhibition: Making a dialogue

I feel very proud to belong to this group where they all help and collaborate They congratulate when things are well done, and when they are poorly done, they support and work to make it better next time. I have the best mates. ❤️Thank you for everything my girls.

馃搨 F A C I L I T A T O R

Hello archilearners 馃懛馃敤!
I´m Dolores and this week I´m the facilitator of my team.
How the time flies!! This is our last task!
This week we had to create a map showing how everything is connected at school.
As we had to read 2 documents, on Monday we divided them and M陋 del Mar, Carmen A. and me read the Spanish one and the rest of the team read the English one .
On Tuesday when we met, the first thing we did is to share the information and to write in the whiteboard the main ideas of the documents in order to select them for making the relationship between those ideas and the connections and complexities of the school.

Once we had chosen them we related everything and we decided that we would make a poster with the shape of a school and with the relationships in the windows.
Then I decided that the best thing we could do was dividing the team, so Carmen A. , M陋 脕ngela, M陋 脕ngeles and M陋 del Mar were in charged of the creative part, elaborating the poster (as they are very skilled with handicrafts).

And Rajae, Carmen D. and me were in charged of the theoretical part  elaborating the speech of the exposition (as they were the stars of this week and I´m terrible with handicrafts).

I´m very proud of my team as everyone works very hard and they are very passionate and dedicated.
It´s very easy to work with them!!
Good bye archilearners 馃懛馃敤

馃懛馃徏 T H E T A S K

Hello everyone! This week we did a little performance about the task.
We hope that it helps you understand the concepts and the relations. It is a biref summary of schools that learns馃榾
Here we leave the link!
Thank you 馃懛

馃専 S T A R

Hello everyone!! I am Carmen D铆az and this week we have been two stars, Rajae and me, (a great team by the way 馃檶).

This was our last task all together, so we tried hard to do a good presentation.

I felt really comfy with Rajae, because she is very nice and sweet, furthermore, she takes critics really well. She wanted to say really professional words on the performance, and I told her to change them in order to be easy to understand, so she perfectly agreed.

I felt really happy on Wednesday because it was our last day, but I was feeling a little bit bad, due to my runny nose. 馃槳

I have to say that I like being the star, because you have to prepare the task really well, not only prepare but understand, which is the most important thing.
I have changed my point of view a lot since the beginning, because now I personally work better, quicker and I focus more on my objectives. I really like to explain things to my classmates because I practice, I change the information in order to make it simple to understand, and in a fun or entertain way.

This task was a little hard, because we could have spend hours talking about it, but we summarize all the information in 6 minutes, which is practically nothing. We finally understood all of the relations in the school organization, and we summarize as much as we could.

I was a bit nervous when Linda was our listener, because I knew that we could have added lots of relations, but we could not due to the time.

I felt really happy when she told us that everything that we said was right (we more or less knew it, but you always have that strange feeling that something might be wrong). 

The bad thing this weeks is that we are finishing this course, so we have to finish all of our practices, works, expositions, and prepare for the exams, so we are all a bit nervous now!!

Despite that, I have to say that I was not nervous on Wednesday because I have great classmates, because they are really nice,  and because we are here to learn and make mistakes!!

We did a good job, and I am very proud of my group! 馃憣

If you want to know more about our performance, please go to our final task, and see our video! 馃槉

Thank you for your time, I hope you like my post, and if you have the opportunity to watch our video, I hope that you understand our English and that it serves you.

馃摲 J O U R N A L I S T

Hi everyone!! 馃檵
My name is Carmen Albaladejo and this week I am in charge of the journalist´s group. 
As every week, on Monday Linda explained to us the eleventh task, it was about schools that learn and we have to make a conceptual map in which we have to make connections between the two articles that she gave us and the articles about relationship and connections in school.

At the beginning, we did not know how to start so we decided to spend the Monday afternoon reading the different proposed texts and taking notes to share them the next day during our traditional meeting.

Tuesday arrived and after having lunch in the faculty we went to our cubicle in Luis Vives library. Once we were there we started talking about the different ideas that we have obtained reading the articles and once we have finished doing that we started suggesting the possibles relationships that we could establish among the different factors. After having deciding what we were going to do with the main objective of the task, we started thinking about the possible ways in which we could represent our idea. Finally, we decided that the best way was to use as a background a school shape.

Then, the expected Wednesday arrived, as we did in the previous weeks we have to present our work in a speed learning format, the stars of each group were allocated in a different place of the classroom while the rest of the group were changing from one group to another.

Here, there is some of our classmates showing their work:

I cannot forget to congratulate our stars 馃専馃専 for their incredible work.馃憦馃憦
I hope you have enjoyed a lot reading this post.
Bye, ArchiLearners!!馃憢馃憢

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017