viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

馃摉 T R A N S L A T O R

Hello my sweeties!! How you are doing? I hope you are perfect and happy. Well, are you ready to share the new words we learnt this week, maybe there are the same words you learn too but i am pretty sure that the meaning is not the same, as our experiences and previous knowledge differs.

Ooops! what's that? well, this is the morrocan TEA (by the way very delicious).I guess you are already wondering what is telling us this lady??馃槙馃槙.Ok, do not worry please馃槅.The fact is what it is written on the box "Al Hor=The free" but the contradiction is the tea is not free as it is written , it is packed and prepared to satisfy the human being needs. It is really incredible what comes to my mind when heard the tea's fact from my brother!!

I thought the same is happening with tea is happening too with children in school, it is said schools are made to make free individuals but it did not have the same purpose along history (for example, in the nazi time, the ones who drives Jewish children to death were the same teachers, teachers were the authority's puppet).This happening right now if we are not aware of the situation we are in, if we reflect we are in a system where the standards of evaluation are made by some people in order to control the type of people they need(of course authority does not need thinkers, for that reason they are in the upper class, because they think for everybody so we don't to worry) :people who knows how to serve the big companies, tourism...

The children who can adapt to this system are the "lovely ones" by everybody(it is very sad when the main reason to have this prestige is money, money and money which moves everything as a great old musician man told me馃槷).But the ones who can not bear those contents are labeled as useless, but unfortunately is not truueee! There is No absolute truth(despite some cuute people are trying to sell it to us), for that Reason i don't consider studying by heart a TEXTBOOK as a way of learning, why? because then we are going to condition the mind of children. Nowadays with all resources we have on internet, libraries... we are really lucky to get to know the diverse and different perspectives around all the world. For example HISTORY is a great example, when in school told me  muslims conquered Al-Andalus and the bad guy responsible of that was Tarik Ibn Ziyad whereas at home my parents talked about him as a hero , "the great man who founded Al-Andalus at the twenties".(i never had the courage to transmit to my teacher what they were telling me my parents, i was afraid that my classmates laugh at me because i thought that the textbook tells the truth).Besides that, it is useless to attend the diversity of children needs with the same tool even if it is more comfortable.

Above all, using the same textbook it produces ALIENATION, this means that children they come to school with a specific background lose their identity and they attach to another one (a common one due to a unique learning process), this seems to be nothing, but it is veryy important at the point if parents do not agree with what their children are learning they turn to SCHOOL BOYCOTT: so they decide to teach children by themselves at home to controls what their children are learning. 

 As you already observed , the words in capital are the words we learnt this week, and i don't mean the word itself but i am talking the meaning we have now about: TEA, TEXTBOOK,ALIENATION and SCHOOL BOYCOTT(and the connection we make with other elements). Meaning  of words always change as well as our thinking and actions.

I hope you have a great weekend, and don't forget anything to share please comment, thank you so much!馃樅

馃搱 A N A L Y S T

Hey everyone! I am M陋 脕ngeles Alonso and this week I am the analyst. Hope you enjoy it .

This week we have work in “The Dark Side of the Textbooks”.

At first we did not know anything about this topic and for that reason, in small groups, we divided the information that we had to read in order to explain our part to the rest of the group and in this way, we could know quickly a little bit of the topic. 馃

Our first impression about this topic was really good, because we thought that it could be an interesting task, we chose info-graphic format because we thought that it would be more easy, but not really. Nevertheless, we have learn how to use a neww ITC tool so, I enjoyed to use this format. I must say that the Twitter timeline's that other groups made were so enthralling. 馃樆

The best part of the week, in my opinion, was on Wednesday because we could see the work of the rest of my class, as always they made a great job. I could observe that now, the stars
馃専 feel more comfortable talking to the rest of the groups and I think that this is thanks to this course because is the only subject in which we have to expose a topic every week. 

The worst part of the week was, in my opinion too, on Tuesday, because is the only day in which all my group can meet for do the task. Even if we bring part of the task realised from home, the whole evening in a cubicle is so tired,

The best part of the task was the moment of starting to use the ICT tool because we could laught a lot trying to make clear our idea.

The worst part of the task was trying to write all the information that we wanted to use in the blackboard and trying to organize it in main ideas.

Thank to ths task we have realized that books are not really essencial for teaching because thet are not objectives to reality and that sometimes we are paying for something thhat we are not going to use.

Some courses in which we do not use a textbook are "School organization and educational research" and "Spanish communication". And we do not need a textbook in order to learn new subjects.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

馃懛 T H E T A S K

  • The majority of benefits go to the publishers.
  • The author does not get much money .
  • It is a business for publishers.
  • When they do not earn much money( because people share textbooks and use second-handed textbooks in order to save money) they create a new edition to have more benefits.
  • Nowadays they are three times more expensive than in the 90s.
  • There are cheaper alternatives (internet resources).
  • Publishers create packs in order to sell more products ( workbook - student’s book).


  • TextBooks are influenced by political ideologies.
  • Textbooks shows the ideas of the upper classes.
  • Textbooks represents the ideas of the culture of the country.

  • As we have mentioned before they show a political ideology.
  • Textbooks include a hidden curriculum.
  • As the use “ He ”  we tend to associate knowledge with men (inequality).
  • Usually books ignore important woman in science, history, literature and so on.
  • In textbooks we can not see minority groups frequently ( diversity of people like multi-cultural people, people with down syndrome).


  • Nowadays we have others sources of information that are not textbooks.
  • Internet give us more information in just a click that textbooks (For example if we want to teach  children the history of the ancient Egypt in a book we can find just a few pictures, nevertheless on the internet we can find thousands of pictures, even in museums).

  • There are some teachers that just follow the textbook, they are not innovative, not critical.
  • Teachers to be professional shouldn´t use too much the textbook. As professional teachers, they should know better methodologies than textbooks to teach.
  • There are three ways  to respond to the textbooks for teachers:
    • Dominant: The teacher follows the book strictly.
    • Negotiate: The teacher considers if the book is appropriate or not, and  decides to follow it or not.
    • Oppositional: The teacher refuses to use the textbook at all.
  • Some teachers use digital books because they think they are innovative. However, it is not an innovative method as a digital book is the same as a normal textbook, but with animations.

  • Nowadays children have access to a big amount of information and books are boring for them.
  • Books reduces their motivations because they have to study  fixed contents.
  • Children can not decide what they are going to learn if they use textbooks.


  • If teachers based their lesson on books they  are teaching to all their students in the same way, and they do not attend to their necessities.
  • Students are different from each other and they have to be taught in a different way, according to their skills. Textbooks do not allow it.


  • The main problem with books is that teachers follow it without interpret it, and for children is the same that if they go to the library and read by their own.
  • Teachers to be professional and effective have to use the minimum the textbook itself and try to teach with different methods ( such as project-based learning, debates, outdoor activities…).

馃専 S T A R

HI GUYS! 馃憢馃徑 I am M陋Angela and this week it has been me to be the STAR 馃専 of this fantastic group. We all have to go through all the roles, and all my teammates had already been a star, so this week I have played this role. At first I was very scared because it costs to me a lot of work and I am very embarrassed to speak in public (I hope I will remove this stage panic soon). But when our teacher told us what the work of this one week, I calmed down because I did not have to make a presentation 馃憦馃徑, but I had to sit with a member of each team at a table and talk about it we had worked: THE DARK SIDE OF TEXTBOOKS馃摎馃槧
Even so, my classmate Dolores helped me to prepare a series of arguments to discuss on Wednesday in class. Thanks Dolores 馃槉 The rest of my classmates also did a great job as every Tuesday.
When Wednesday came I was very nervous. When we arrived at class our teacher told us to put together 4 tables forming a square and we will sit around the star of each group (me) and also a member of each group. I had to act as facilitator!
The teacher gave us different topics to discuss so they were talking about it and noting in a huge paper that she gave us.

This was the result of his work with my help:

I have to say that my colleagues worked great. They participated actively in the task and they contributed ideas all the time. The two hours of class passed very quickly! See you soon archilearners!

馃摲 J O U R N A L I S T

Hi guys, how was your week?. I am M陋 del Mar and I have lots of news to tell you, so let's start.
First of all, I am the Journalist 馃摲 this week, so that means I will be describing the whole week, the fifth week, in the Architeachers World. 馃敤

At the beginning of the week, as every time, we distributed the roles in Monday but we had to do it again because our aim was not to repeat in this first round any role. At first, Carmen D铆az was going to be the facilitator of our group, but, as we all work really good as a team, no one is in charge of everything, so we could say that each of us are facilitators every week!
However, Dolores asked Carmen to swap roles, so Carmen D铆az ended the week as a "joker", and she helped me to describe Wednesday in this post,  and Dolores as the facilitator. And the rest of the members had the same role from the beginning.

After that, we look for the best way to develop this task, and we decided that the best one could be the infographic because it SEEMS easier and, in addiction, because we don't have any idea about Twitter.
With the idea of making an infographic already selected, we proceed to collect the theoretical foundation of the task. For it, we read some documents from which we obtained all the ideas needed to work on this project.

The following day, on Tuesday, we met at the university in a cubicle, for using the white board and be more comfortable. Once we arrived there, with the help of the other members, I wrote down all the ideas on the white board to clarify the concepts and structure the work.

As I said last week, we work in small groups, so two persons were working on the presentation of the star (M陋 Angela and Dolores) and the others were working on the infographic design. We had lots of problems to do the Infographic so, I decided to repeat it at home because the other members had lots of difficulties to prepare it. Finally, at home, I found a template to work on it and with some modifications I was able to do the infographic.


On wednesday Linda told us to rearrange the class, in order to put four tables together so we could sit there and discuss with other members of other groups.

Each member of our group went to a different table with one star of another group and members of the rest of the groups.

Once we were together with a representative of each group we had to read their infographics or twitter lines, and interpret the information about the dark side of textbooks.


With each sentence we read we needed to write down in a poster board the main idea about it. For that exercise we had approximately 15 or 20 minutes. So we needed to discuss as a group, and the star was our guide, helping us with some hints if they were necessary.

Then, we had to write down the ideas that were not included in their infographic/ twitter line, and for that we had 5-10 minutes.
Afterwards, we had to discuss how textbooks incorporated: gender, sex, world...
It was a really nice task were everyone could discuss and talk about the dark side of textbooks, it was really pleasant !
It was a nice chance to speak about our points of view and see if everyone agreed.

The rest of the week, we worked individually and in a free way on the blog.
In my case, I wanted to do something different and, as I love photography and editing videos, I suggested to the rest of the group to make a kind of video to summarize the whole week, here you can see:

I hope you enjoy the post and also the video.
Thanks you again for being there other week, see you soon archilearners! 馃敤馃挅馃懛

馃搨 F A C I L I T A T O R

Hello Archilearners 馃憢!!
I´m Dolores and for this task I´m the boss 馃懛
At the beginning of the week I was going to be the "joker», but I changed my role because I wanted to be the facilitator.
On Monday we divided the work randomly, and Carmen D铆az and Carmen Albaladejo had to read the Wikipedia entrance for Textbook. M陋 脕ngela, M陋 脕ngeles, Rajae and M陋 del Mar had to read two different essays and I had to read two blogs in Spanish about digital textbooks.
This week our task was to design an infographic giving reasons against the use of Textbooks at Primary School (You can see it in T H E T A S K entrance).
So on Tuesday afternoon we shared the information of our readings and we copied the main ideas in a whiteboard. Then I divided the work. Carmen Albaladejo and I, we were in charge of thinking about 8 sentences that include the main ideas against Textbook. The others architeachers had to find a good infographic to show that ideas. By the end of the afternoon we had 8 great sentences and a perfect infographic to represent it!
I hope you are having a nice week!!

See you soon 馃懛馃敤

mi茅rcoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

馃搩C U R A TO R

Hi, ArchiLearners!! 馃檵 
My name is Carmen Albaladejo and this week I am in charge of the curator´s role. As we do every week, here there is our  tree mind map in which you will find all the resources that we have used in order to solve the task which this week is about "The Dark Side of Textbooks".

See you next week, ArchiLearners!! 馃敤馃懛