viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

📈 A N A L Y S T

Hey everyone! I am Mª Ángeles Alonso and this week I am the analyst. Hope you enjoy it .

This week we have work in “The Dark Side of the Textbooks”.

At first we did not know anything about this topic and for that reason, in small groups, we divided the information that we had to read in order to explain our part to the rest of the group and in this way, we could know quickly a little bit of the topic. 🤓

Our first impression about this topic was really good, because we thought that it could be an interesting task, we chose info-graphic format because we thought that it would be more easy, but not really. Nevertheless, we have learn how to use a neww ITC tool so, I enjoyed to use this format. I must say that the Twitter timeline's that other groups made were so enthralling. 😻

The best part of the week, in my opinion, was on Wednesday because we could see the work of the rest of my class, as always they made a great job. I could observe that now, the stars
🌟 feel more comfortable talking to the rest of the groups and I think that this is thanks to this course because is the only subject in which we have to expose a topic every week. 

The worst part of the week was, in my opinion too, on Tuesday, because is the only day in which all my group can meet for do the task. Even if we bring part of the task realised from home, the whole evening in a cubicle is so tired,

The best part of the task was the moment of starting to use the ICT tool because we could laught a lot trying to make clear our idea.

The worst part of the task was trying to write all the information that we wanted to use in the blackboard and trying to organize it in main ideas.

Thank to ths task we have realized that books are not really essencial for teaching because thet are not objectives to reality and that sometimes we are paying for something thhat we are not going to use.

Some courses in which we do not use a textbook are "School organization and educational research" and "Spanish communication". And we do not need a textbook in order to learn new subjects.

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