jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

📷 J O U R N A L I S T

Hi guys, how was your week?. I am Mª del Mar and I have lots of news to tell you, so let's start.
First of all, I am the Journalist 📷 this week, so that means I will be describing the whole week, the fifth week, in the Architeachers World. 🔨

At the beginning of the week, as every time, we distributed the roles in Monday but we had to do it again because our aim was not to repeat in this first round any role. At first, Carmen Díaz was going to be the facilitator of our group, but, as we all work really good as a team, no one is in charge of everything, so we could say that each of us are facilitators every week!
However, Dolores asked Carmen to swap roles, so Carmen Díaz ended the week as a "joker", and she helped me to describe Wednesday in this post,  and Dolores as the facilitator. And the rest of the members had the same role from the beginning.

After that, we look for the best way to develop this task, and we decided that the best one could be the infographic because it SEEMS easier and, in addiction, because we don't have any idea about Twitter.
With the idea of making an infographic already selected, we proceed to collect the theoretical foundation of the task. For it, we read some documents from which we obtained all the ideas needed to work on this project.

The following day, on Tuesday, we met at the university in a cubicle, for using the white board and be more comfortable. Once we arrived there, with the help of the other members, I wrote down all the ideas on the white board to clarify the concepts and structure the work.

As I said last week, we work in small groups, so two persons were working on the presentation of the star (Mª Angela and Dolores) and the others were working on the infographic design. We had lots of problems to do the Infographic so, I decided to repeat it at home because the other members had lots of difficulties to prepare it. Finally, at home, I found a template to work on it and with some modifications I was able to do the infographic.


On wednesday Linda told us to rearrange the class, in order to put four tables together so we could sit there and discuss with other members of other groups.

Each member of our group went to a different table with one star of another group and members of the rest of the groups.

Once we were together with a representative of each group we had to read their infographics or twitter lines, and interpret the information about the dark side of textbooks.


With each sentence we read we needed to write down in a poster board the main idea about it. For that exercise we had approximately 15 or 20 minutes. So we needed to discuss as a group, and the star was our guide, helping us with some hints if they were necessary.

Then, we had to write down the ideas that were not included in their infographic/ twitter line, and for that we had 5-10 minutes.
Afterwards, we had to discuss how textbooks incorporated: gender, sex, world...
It was a really nice task were everyone could discuss and talk about the dark side of textbooks, it was really pleasant !
It was a nice chance to speak about our points of view and see if everyone agreed.

The rest of the week, we worked individually and in a free way on the blog.
In my case, I wanted to do something different and, as I love photography and editing videos, I suggested to the rest of the group to make a kind of video to summarize the whole week, here you can see:

I hope you enjoy the post and also the video.
Thanks you again for being there other week, see you soon archilearners! 🔨💖👷

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