jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

📂 F A C I L I T A T O R

Hello Archilearners 👋!!
I´m Dolores and for this task I´m the boss 👷
At the beginning of the week I was going to be the "joker», but I changed my role because I wanted to be the facilitator.
On Monday we divided the work randomly, and Carmen Díaz and Carmen Albaladejo had to read the Wikipedia entrance for Textbook. Mª Ángela, Mª Ángeles, Rajae and Mª del Mar had to read two different essays and I had to read two blogs in Spanish about digital textbooks.
This week our task was to design an infographic giving reasons against the use of Textbooks at Primary School (You can see it in T H E T A S K entrance).
So on Tuesday afternoon we shared the information of our readings and we copied the main ideas in a whiteboard. Then I divided the work. Carmen Albaladejo and I, we were in charge of thinking about 8 sentences that include the main ideas against Textbook. The others architeachers had to find a good infographic to show that ideas. By the end of the afternoon we had 8 great sentences and a perfect infographic to represent it!
I hope you are having a nice week!!

See you soon 👷🔨

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