Ooops! what's that? well, this is the morrocan TEA (by the way very delicious).I guess you are already wondering what is telling us this lady??😕😕.Ok, do not worry please😆.The fact is what it is written on the box "Al Hor=The free" but the contradiction is the tea is not free as it is written , it is packed and prepared to satisfy the human being needs. It is really incredible what comes to my mind when heard the tea's fact from my brother!!
I thought the same is happening with tea is happening too with children in school, it is said schools are made to make free individuals but it did not have the same purpose along history (for example, in the nazi time, the ones who drives Jewish children to death were the same teachers, teachers were the authority's puppet).This happening right now if we are not aware of the situation we are in, if we reflect we are in a system where the standards of evaluation are made by some people in order to control the type of people they need(of course authority does not need thinkers, for that reason they are in the upper class, because they think for everybody so we don't to worry) :people who knows how to serve the big companies, tourism...
The children who can adapt to this system are the "lovely ones" by everybody(it is very sad when the main reason to have this prestige is money, money and money which moves everything as a great old musician man told me😮).But the ones who can not bear those contents are labeled as useless, but unfortunately is not truueee! There is No absolute truth(despite some cuute people are trying to sell it to us), for that Reason i don't consider studying by heart a TEXTBOOK as a way of learning, why? because then we are going to condition the mind of children. Nowadays with all resources we have on internet, libraries... we are really lucky to get to know the diverse and different perspectives around all the world. For example HISTORY is a great example, when in school told me muslims conquered Al-Andalus and the bad guy responsible of that was Tarik Ibn Ziyad whereas at home my parents talked about him as a hero , "the great man who founded Al-Andalus at the twenties".(i never had the courage to transmit to my teacher what they were telling me my parents, i was afraid that my classmates laugh at me because i thought that the textbook tells the truth).Besides that, it is useless to attend the diversity of children needs with the same tool even if it is more comfortable.
Above all, using the same textbook it produces ALIENATION, this means that children they come to school with a specific background lose their identity and they attach to another one (a common one due to a unique learning process), this seems to be nothing, but it is veryy important at the point if parents do not agree with what their children are learning they turn to SCHOOL BOYCOTT: so they decide to teach children by themselves at home to controls what their children are learning.
I hope you have a great weekend, and don't forget anything to share please comment, thank you so much!😺
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