viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

馃搩 C U R A TO R

Hello everyone! How long without writing to you ... This week I am the curator, and for this I will continue to add bricks to our big block (mind map) in each brick there is a resource name that we have used to do our work of this week. It's a great way to see how we grow and grow our knowledge too.

I hope you have a great week. See you soon archi-learners馃槝馃憢馃徑

馃摴 You Tube

Hello archilearners!!
Before Easter we uploaded our Stop-motion video in YouTube.
And we have had 123 馃憤and 692 馃憖!!

Thank you so much!!
See you soon archilearners 馃懛馃敤

馃搧 F A C I L I T A T O R

 Hello archilearners !!
I´m Dolores and this week I´m the facilitator of my team.
We have had 2 weeks of holidays, so on Monday we were full of energy and ready to start again.  Linda told us that on Wednesday would be Election Day, so we had to prepare an electoral campaign.
We had to read a document about the different types of leadership, choose one, and based the whole campaign on that style. I divided the text in 7 parts and each architeacher had to read it and elaborate a summary.7
After we had made the summary, we chose the participative style. In order to prepare the campaign, we decided to write a speech, to create an electoral poster and a logo, and to buy sweets to use them as a present.

On Tuesday afternoon we met and I decided that Carmen Albaladejo, M陋 del Mar and I would elaborate the speech and the rest of the team would be in charge of the manual work. Moreover I designed the logo and the electoral poster.

It is a construction traffic signal that means:  Warning!! The knowledge is being constructed.
I had this idea while I was preparing my driving theorical test and I was studing the traffic signals.

PS: I have also done something very important; I have organized our Drive account!
We had all the documents of every task together and I have classified them in different folders.

Hope you like it!

See you soon

馃懛馃徏 T H E T A S K

This week we got in sight into the leadership styles, a very important subject  at the point  that if there is an appropriate leadership style in a certain situation it can make a school succeed and if not, it  can lead the educational organization to failure. As you see underneath, there are many styles, there is no best style nor worst style. What matters is the ability of the leader to choose the most suitable leadership style according to the situation of the school, the participants, and so on.

Organizational leadership is usually expressed in the effect on people's motivation to perform tasks over time, while maximizing the means of motivation and with minimal use of coercive measures.
We have four different types of leadership style
Authoritarian leadership style: has control, plans everything, is intensive, sometimes not flexible, follow rules and protocol. Gives little importance to emotion and affection, insensitive to human problems, race, gender...Loyalty is rewarded more than merit.
Participative leadership style: communicates about goals, delegates, respect diversity, seek quality, family atmosphere, respect for each member, collaboration. Learns, and is willing to make changes, and does what is best for everyone.
Transactional leadership style: "reward-dependent behaviour" which is that he or she rewards in order to affect motivation. Follows followers and actions to ensure that the work is effective. In exceptions acts with dependant punishments and corrective actions. Has a lot of organization, but does not necessarily cause improvement.
Transformational leadership style: generates feelings focusing in what is important for employees, affects performance and achievement. Has higher ideals and moral values like freedom, justice, equality, peace, humanitarianism. Shapes and motivates his or her followers. Convince followers to rise above their own interest for organization. He or she is charismatic to followers, inspiring them, considering individuals, seeing problems from new perspective. Uses significant changes in their lives, reshapes concepts and values. Has aspirations and expectations, and makes changes through inspiration. This style causes improvement. It has a more positive effect than the transactional, as it increases the motivation and satisfaction of the people influencing the performance and the input. It promotes initiatives, justice and trust. This leadership style is more appropriate in a complex and dynamic environment because of his/her intellectual changes, which imply innovations in the structure, in planning and in organization, meaning that, progress. A transformational leader also provides autonomic motivation, loyalty and commitment. His/her positively influence teachers in their motivation and welfare. But it can produce burnout.

Relationship between Value Systems and Leaderships styles of School Principals

A value system is defined as an enduring organization of beliefs and rules that assist an individual in selecting alternatives, resolving conflicts and making decisions.  An individual's value system determines his hierarchy of preferences, his perception of the world, his behaviour and the manner in which he selects his information.
The main difference between people is the importance that they attribute to different values.

A value system can be classified by orientation, we have to distinguish between a pragmatic value system and a moral value system.

A pragmatic value system is characterized by competition, achievement, obedience, ambition, aggression. Principals with a pragmatical value system will adopt a transactional leadership style.
A moral value system is characterized by tolerance, contact with others and relationships,equality, friendliness, family and personal security. Principals with a moral value system are probably to adopt a transformative leadership style.

It is reasonable to assume that a school principal´s values system affects his/her leadership style.

馃摲 J O U R N A L I S T

Hellooo , how you are doing? I hope you are great ;-).  Click here   to watch our story!

Here you have a great blog about leadership styles!

馃搱 A N A L Y S T

Hi everyone! My name is M陋 脕ngeles Alonso and I am the analyst of the week. Hope you enjoy it! ☝

This has been my second time being the analyst. Nevertheless, I am so happy with my group as the first time.

The best part of the task was on Wednesday, because all of my classmates did a brillant presentation and most of them give us presents and food. 馃崻馃崿馃嵀馃構 I think that all of them have a great originality. Also, the best part of the task was, as our teacher Linda said, the comfort feeling when the stars were talking in front of the whole class.

The worst part of the task, was after the presentations and this was about a remark that our teacher Linda said too, about the current politics. In our presentations we said current problems with some solutions for them. But the sad reality was that we were talking about questions that should be answer by the politics, not by students feeling that their future is not insured. This made me feel sad and powerless... 馃様

The best part of the week was on Wednesday too, when we were making a mindmap and after that we made the murals and the rest of the decoration. We were laughing at the same time that we were working. And it was the first time that we finish early.

The worst moment of the week is the same than the worst moment of the task because there is not another worst moment.

What I have learned with this task are the different types of leadership and the main differences and similarities among them.

As a group we always work very well and that's because we always do a coordinate work. Also, all of us have great ideas and we know how to deal with brainstorms. 馃挱馃挱

Summing up, I agree with this wonderful group but the most important is that we need a change, because the ideas presented in class, as I have said, are only ideas, not facts. 馃懛馃懛馃挭馃挭

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

馃摉 T R A N S L A T O R

Hi everyone!! 馃檵馃檵
My name is Carmen Albaladejo and during this week I am in charge of the translator role. As we do every week, I am going to select the five concepts that I consider more important and I am going to give you a brief explanation of each one. Let´s start!

Leader. The word leader is usually used to name the person who is in charge of a group, it means, he/she controls or directs the rest of the members that composed a particular group. Moreover we can different between four types of leadership style: authoritative, transactional, transformative and participative.

Speech. A speech is a brief discurs in which a person transmits his/her ideas in order to cause some reactions in their hearers.

Candidate is the person who presents him/herself as a the representative person  of a group in order to be selected as the one who has to face with others for your group.

Participative leadership style is characterized because its main concern is the relationships between the individuals who composed its group. Therefore, the leader is not the only person who has the power but it is shared between all the members of the group. It is the most democratic one.

Authoritative leadership style, this leadership style is characterized because the leader is the one who has the power, so he or she does not share the decision-making process with the rest of the members of his/her group. Therefore, the leader is who takes the decisions.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Visit the STAR POST 馃専  to see our speech.
See you next week ArchiLeanrners!!!馃懛馃懛

馃専 S T A R

Hi guys, welcome back to our blog my name is M陋 del Mar Fern谩ndez and this week I am the Star for the leadership task.


This week was nice at the beginning because the task was very entertaining and we have enjoyed it a lot the process and, at the same time, we learnt a lot.

From my real point of view, I want to remark that I am not very proud of me this week because  I didn't achieve my goals at all.

It is true that I am very demaning with my own and this doesn't mean always success, but I tried to do my best as much as I can but different factors conditioned me. Some of those factors are that there was a time limit, I should be clear trying not to speak very fast and resouluted.

In all the stories we can find different anecdotes and, despite my feeling of unsuccessful, I think that this is the real life and some times we also have to be brave and be able to face any situation, also if it is bad because errors contributes to evolution and improvement.

So, to sum up I recognize that I could have done my speech better but I felt very nervous.

Also, I have to add that this experience also has a positive part. Again I realized that improvisation is my virtue, not only for School Organization, also for my daily life. Moreover, this task is only a short-term goal and I will take into account, obviously, but I will be more focused onn long-term goals.

Apart from that, I was really anxious to do my speech and I really feel important in that moment.
Thanks to all the class that favour to the familiar environment but specially to my architeachers who always support me.

So, as a singer said:



― Rihanna

See you in the next task!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥