viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

🌟 S T A R

Hello everyone!! I am Carmen Díaz and this week we have been two stars, Rajae and me, (a great team by the way 🙌).

This was our last task all together, so we tried hard to do a good presentation.

I felt really comfy with Rajae, because she is very nice and sweet, furthermore, she takes critics really well. She wanted to say really professional words on the performance, and I told her to change them in order to be easy to understand, so she perfectly agreed.

I felt really happy on Wednesday because it was our last day, but I was feeling a little bit bad, due to my runny nose. 😪

I have to say that I like being the star, because you have to prepare the task really well, not only prepare but understand, which is the most important thing.
I have changed my point of view a lot since the beginning, because now I personally work better, quicker and I focus more on my objectives. I really like to explain things to my classmates because I practice, I change the information in order to make it simple to understand, and in a fun or entertain way.

This task was a little hard, because we could have spend hours talking about it, but we summarize all the information in 6 minutes, which is practically nothing. We finally understood all of the relations in the school organization, and we summarize as much as we could.

I was a bit nervous when Linda was our listener, because I knew that we could have added lots of relations, but we could not due to the time.

I felt really happy when she told us that everything that we said was right (we more or less knew it, but you always have that strange feeling that something might be wrong). 

The bad thing this weeks is that we are finishing this course, so we have to finish all of our practices, works, expositions, and prepare for the exams, so we are all a bit nervous now!!

Despite that, I have to say that I was not nervous on Wednesday because I have great classmates, because they are really nice,  and because we are here to learn and make mistakes!!

We did a good job, and I am very proud of my group! 👌

If you want to know more about our performance, please go to our final task, and see our video! 😊

Thank you for your time, I hope you like my post, and if you have the opportunity to watch our video, I hope that you understand our English and that it serves you.

3 comentarios:

  1. Thank you so muuch my darling, what i could do without you?? you have such an ability to convince others in a wonderful way. And always you seek for improving the work, we could not perform that way without your observations respect the work. I can not stop smiling, being in this group is the most amazing thing happened to me!! This is the first time i feel happy failing a course, because now i know and i admit that this year the whole bilingual group are very hard workers and creative.I am so thankful to know youuuu!

  2. Hello architeachers! good presentation and performance!
