Hi everyone! My name is Mª Ángeles Alonso and I am the translator of this week. Hope you enjoy it ☝.
This week, the most important concepts are:
- Learninng Organization: is such as a system which care about the needs of education. Those needs are to be innovated, know when confront the constant changes of the society and promote learning capacities.
- Teaching teams: "Junta de profesores" in Spanish words. Is a group of tachers working together in a cooperative way in order to promote learning to those who have more difficulties. This is very similar to departaments, but with more interaction with students.
- Informal learning: is a different way of being teached but without a teacher. It occurs due to own interest or maybe by needs. Informal learning promote awareness, new learning strategies and possibly, new motivations.
- Speed learning: is a teaching method in which the class is divided by groups and one member expose a presentation and the rest of the group move around the classroom in order to see the others groups presentations in 5 or 6 minutes. This is called speed learning because you can see and compare the works in a faster way that in a presentation to the whole class.
Greaaat job my dear!