viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

🌟 S T A R

Hi workers 🔨! I am Carmen Díaz 👷, and this week as you already know, I have been the star 🌟!
We decided to make a raffle with the roles, I did not want to be the star, so I decided to be the first one in picking the little paper 🙈, and guess what? 😲  I am the luckiest person in the world...STAR!! 😢
At first I was a bit afraid of speaking in front of the WHOLE class, because I did not present before to such a big group. Moreover, I do not like to be the the center of attention, so I was not very happy. 😬
However, after trying to understand the whole task and the different projection maps, I realized that it was not so hard!
My group helped me with the presentation, so at the end it was easy! 😎
I felt a little bit nervous, but only a little because I understood everything (which is the most important thing!) so I was calm.
On Tuesday afternoon I practiced my speech like four times. And, when I got home I practiced twice, timing myself. I spoke for 7.40 minutes, more or less. ⏳
On Wednesday morning I practiced again and I last like 8 minutes... so I was more relaxed. I wanted to be the first one, in order to relax myself and enjoy the rest of the presentations, but I was the third, which was fine. 😌
I LOVED the presentation of FISHERS IN THE RIVER, it was great, original and fun! 😂👏🎉🎉
So, after watching the start of their presentation I felt a bit sad, because our presentation was a traditional one. 😩
When It was my turn, I felt comfortable because all of my classmates were very polite with me, they were paying attention, showing interest with their YES FACE, and I was feeling really pleased with that feedback! 😍

I enjoyed being the star because I gained more self-confidence, and I felt proud when a lot of people told me that I did a good exhibition, they understood me, so I felt really happy, pleased and glad. I am very lucky as I said before, I have a great class!!  🎉💖
My experience was very positive, because as time passes, I feel more comfortable with my class, less nervous and less afraid of participating and speaking in public, which I love, because I am a chatty chat! 😁


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