viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

🌟 S T A R

Hi ArchiLearners!! 🙋
My name is Carmen Albaladejo and this week I am the STAR 🌟  of ArchiTeachers. As you probably know, in this week each group has to prepare a stop-motion video in order to promote a new educational law and on Wednesday we have to show it to the rest of the groups pretending an Eurovision festival, it was very funny.
I as the star was in charge of presenting the ArchiTeachers´ video to our classmates and also to say our scores. Actually it was a fantastic session because we were be able to see the work of the other groups which was amazing I have to say that all the videos were incredible and also we have to take into account that we have only one day and a half to prepare it. So, guys congratulations because you have done a really good work.

I let you here the URL of our video:

I hope you have enjoyed a lot and see you in two weeks ArchiLearners.👷

Bye!! Have a nice Easter!!👋😊

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