jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

📷 J O U R N A L I S T

Hi, everyone!!🙋
My name is Carmen Albaladejo and this week I am the journalist of ArchiTeachers.

It is Friday and the second task has been uploaded, so now it is time to start working on it. Last week, we decided that once the task was uploaded we will start thinking on possible ways to solve it during the weekend and then on Monday we will do a brainstorm to decide how we are going to carry out this task.

So, Monday morning arrived, it was the moment to change the roles. In order to distribute roles we decided to write them in little papers, put them in a small backet and one by one, we took one of them. This task needed the partcipation of TWO STARS 🌟🌟but we were only six in the team so we decided that one of us has to have two roles.Dolores was lucky, she was the curator and also the star👏👏👏. Congratulations and GOOD LUCK !! 

But our plan changed, now we were seven in the team. We want to introduce you the seventh ArchiTeacher 👷, her name is Rajae and she  is the curator 📃during this week instead of Dolores. Once all this was solved, we focused our attention on the task, it was about TPACK and maybe you will be wondering "What TPACK is?" but if you want to know more information about this topic then you will have to visit our post called "THE TASK".

Firstly, we gathered all the information that we have found about what is TPACK, the elements that compose it, how these elements were related among them... Once the information was collected and we did a brainstorm with all our ideas. At the beginning, we were too much creative and enthusiastic, we wanted to create a miniature of a head and inside it we wanted to put three little people representing the three main components of the TPACK, based on the film " Inside Out". Then, we also wanted to use our pet "Manolo" and put him in the middle of a Spidergram but we realized that it was not the main purpose of this task because we had to focus our attention on TPACK.

Last week, we decided that every Tuesday we will stay at the University in the afternoon in order  to prepare Wednesday´s presentation. Once we finished the classes at half past one, we all together went to have lunch and after we starting preparing the task.

To prepare the task we decided to distribute the work among us, some of us were in charge of preparing the paper of the stars, while the rest of us were making the poster. As we were going deep into the project some new ideas were appearing and we determined to add some of them, such as doing a cloud sourrounding the idea of TPACK or the idea of adding our pet "Manolo" to the poster representing an effective teacher.


Finally the day arrived, it was Wednesday at half past ten, all was ready so it was the moment of our stars GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!😉😉 While Dolores and María Angeles were explaning our work to rest of the groups, we were changing from one group to another and listening their explanations. At the end we were really surprised because all groups have done a great work. Here you can see the different presentations.

In this week we want to recommend you a fantastic blog which focus its attention on TIC. Here I put its URL: http://canaltic.com/blog/?p=1677#comment-284634

I have also write a coment on Fishersintheriver blog, you can visit them clicking in the next URL:http://fishersintheriver.blogspot.com.es/


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