jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

🌟 S T A R

Hello everyone, I am Mª Ángeles Alonso, and this week I have been one of the two stars of the group

This has been my first time as a star so, at first I was a little nervous.

Dolores and I decided to explain our mural in an interactive way in order to make it more enjoyable to our listener so, we decided to ask questions one to the another for explaining the TPACK model. This was one of the most things that the other groups appreciated and enjoyed of our presentation.

We had to explain the presentation ten times so, at first I was a little nervous. Although, all the groups said good points to us so at the end I explained the presentation in a natural way.

I would like to have been able to see the presentation of the rest of my classmates at the end of the class, but because of the time I couldn't.

Hello 🙋

I am Dolores and I am the other star 🌟 of this week!!

When I knew that was going to be the star I was really excited because in the last term we didn't have many chances of showing our work to the rest of the class.
I have felt very comfortable being the star, because as we were two it was easier to explain everything. At first I was a little nervous, but as the first exposition was to the members of my group, I could practise and relax.
We tried to make it clear and enjoyable since our main purpose was to transmit them the concept of TPACK in a entertaining way. We didn't want to see boring faces 😉
From my point of view we did it very well and we had  positive feedback from our colleagues.
Mª Ángeles and I have made a  good team in this task!!

I am willing to repeat this experience and to be the star again ☆
See you soon!!
Have a nice week 👷🔨

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