viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

📷 J O U R N A L I S T

Hello Archilearners!!🙌
I´m Dolores and this week I´m the journalist of ArchiTeachers!!
As every week, before Monday we had read the information about the task. This week our mission was to see how to do a good presentation and how to use free and legal information.
On Monday our teacher Linda explained the different kinds of licenses and we changed our roles.
Carmen Albaladejo would be the star, María del Mar analyst, Carmen Díaz curator, Rajae facilitator, Mª Ángeles translator, and Mª Ángela the "joker".
As we had to prepare two different presentations we divided the work.
Carmen Albaladejo and I prepared the presentation about the digestive system, which she, as star would show on Wednesday
And the rest of the group was in charged of the other presentation.
So on Monday afternoon we search information about our topic.
Carmen Díaz searched about how to deliver a presentation, Mª del Mar about how to prepare it, Mª Ángeles about how to design it, Mª Ángela general information and  Rajae about the licenses.
Carmen Albaladejo and me, didn´t search for information but we thought how we would do our presentation and possible ways of showing the digestive system in an original and creative way, using metaphor such as a "Got Talent Casting" to represent the Small Intestine.
On Tuesday we shared the information and we started to actually make both presentations. However first they told Carmen and me how we should do a great presentation.

We had a big problem while preparing the presentation of the digestive system, when we had finished all the work, we found out that the images that we had used were not public domain, and we had to do it all again.

By the end of the afternoon we had finished both presentations and Carmen was ready to her performance!

The Wednesday came and it was the turn of Carmen to shine explaining the digestive system!

 Our classmates did an amazing work!!

Fishers in the river explained the Water Cycle 🌊

 Spiky teachers explained the classification if the instruments.

  Flowerpower explained the senses.

 Ladies and Gentlemen explained the pluricelular organisms.

 Wildcats explained The Prehistory

  Starfish explained feelings and emotions. With a great performance!!

Spacers explained the Solar System☀

The super teachers explained healthy habits.

It has been a hard week because we had to prepare more than one project. Every week we work better as we know more each other and we know how to develop everyone´s capabilities!
And today as every Friday we write all our experience here.

I have visited the Mr. P´S ICT blog, it´s full of practical experiences about ICT at school (

And the blog of Spiky Teachers to congratulate them for the great performance of Wednesday!

See you soon Archilearners 👷🔨

Have a nice week!!

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