viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

📈 A N A L Y S T

Hey guys, it's the analyst, Maria del Mar Fernandez Rodriguez.
This week I have to be the analyst of the group, and I am very anxious to express my thoughts about the way of working we are using and how to improve them.
First of all, I want to describe some characteristics that need to be standed out from Architeachers' way of working:
- As we are a big group (7 people), we decided to work in small teams. To form the groups, we paid attention to the compatibility among us from the intelectual point of view, ir order to increase our efficiency and reduce the errors. Using this method, we care for the diversity as all the members in the group have very different skills, and this is lovely as we form an heterogeneous group. As a result, we observe that this characteristic provides us stability in the group, as well as, it makes possible the equitable and equal participation of all the members.

- In addiction, we used to look for an active and diverse methodology for contributing to the creative part of the tasks and to find the best way to work or develop them. For this fact, we follow some steps: we make a plan for the team and, after that, we make a brainstorm trying to enrich as much as possible with different ideas, that is, if we produce many ideas of a topic and we are limited, we make an effort to group them. We try to do this, also, to achieve a simultaneous interaction.

- Nevertheless, we are very concern about the idea of being a team, so the roles help us a lot providing us independence and higher efficacy. Also, we never forget the personal and individual engagement, as what we do will have an effect on the rest of the group. Moreover, if any member of the group need some support we will be there to help her, despite the roles.

Those characteristics mentioned make us succed and gives us the opportunity to put into practice our knowledge from past and actual courses as Planning, Investigation, Psychology and Diversity. For example, the idea to work in small cooperative groups comes from planning, the stablishment of following a team plan and setting objectives to develop  the activity comes from investigation and, the last but not least, regarding to the different tips to make an excellent slideshare, it is very important to play with emotions, that means, we used some theoretical knowledge from psychology to play with the espectator's emotions. So, we are going to maintain them trying to improve at the end of the task. At the end of the task, we revised lightly the full work and I reckon that it would be amazing to revise it deeper as a group and not individually, as we do.

In the case of this task, the best part of this activity was to be a bit closer to the real primary contents (Digestive System). And as we learned to respect the others rights with the Creative Common Licences, in my opinion, the worst part of this task was to pay attention in every movement we use a photo, mainly, to prevent from infringement any law as it is very difficult to find free pics. 
Althought it was a bit difficult, we learned a lot about this daily topic as we can find it in every movement or action we do. For example, it is very important to respect copyright when we do an official project as the Final Grade Projet at the university or, even when we are carrying out an investigation. Also, it is not only on the educational area, as I've already mentioned, we can find it when we make any profile in a social network or even YouTube, where you cannot use any song from other person unless you won't obtain any economic remuneration and pointing out the author of the song.

Finally, I want to remark a quote from Michael Jordan about the well functioning of a group:

'' Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships ''

- Michael Jordan, 1992.

See you! 😘👷

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