miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

📖 T R A N S L A T O R

Hi guys, I am Mª del Mar Fernandez and this week my role is:

📖 T R A N S L A T O R 

Firstly, I want to explain you the most important aspects of this week and then I will express how I felt along this week.
The concepts for this week were linked among them and there is no a theoretical definition for them, that is, with some examples and ideas you can easily realize what they are intended to mean. 
This task was about "Connections and Relationships", so we can stand out 5 main concepts or ideas:
Students can establish learning connections with other people related to the educational context such as other students, teachers or even experts in this field, beyond the physical classroom environment. for example by using online video conversations.
Connections with peers is a crucial way of learning for students. Students can learn from their peers and cohorts (friends from the same age or grade level). In the classroom students establish relationship with their peers, which a lot continue in a future. It gives more benefits and knowledge to them. Connections across social groups with collaborative learning gives a better cohesiveness between students. Teachers facilitate collaborative learning in their classes. Students learn how to learn through connections with peers beyond their friendship groups.

Those connections are made as a combination of ideas, concepts, knowledge or skills. This kind of connections can occur in three different levels: individual learner, the group and development of knowledge itself.

The learner has a prior knowledge which uses when he/she experimented new experiences and then those experiences are related to existing understanding and then, a personal understanding is formed.

In this way, teachers use their prior knowledge to maximize the understanding and mastery of concepts or skills.

The article is about the existence of two connections: Teacher - Student and Student - Student (peers connections). We are in a complex system where there are different levels. In addition, influences are highly taken into account as they can influence behavior, in the classroom environment.
The teacher must control everything: the time, the tasks that are carried out, whether to punish the students, whether to compensate them, etc. avoiding posible conflicts in her/his planner.

In connection with the classroom environment there is also an interaction between teacher and class, direct instruction: reinforcement activities for children who find it harder to learn. We are in a continuous learning process.

Learning relationships are connections as well.

It points out the great impact and influence that a teacher could have in a student standing
out the importance of being aware of how the teacher involves in the contents trying to make as easier as possible for them to understand and not to get bored.


From my point of view, this week we worked very hard and I always try to help as much as I can. Nevertheless, I want to stand out that I have to try being more patient and less hot-headed because nobody works with the same rythm as me. 
To sum up, I felt that we are a great work group because more-less we work with the same idea:

In terms of content, I noticed that there is a lack of creativity, specially, in this task but it is true that we don't have too much time to prepare a great video although this is not an excuse because we should have prepared better the roleplays, but in general I am very happy with the entire work (available in the Full Task). Finally, I want to remark that in our group we should stablish a better work plan to be more efficient, that is, always or as much as we can trying to follow a pattern.

So, let's focus more on finding solutions and not giving attention to problems unless we don't want to progress.
To finally end with this post, I want to share with you our roleplay to represent Connection within Learning Context :

See you in the next task!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

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