lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

Who Are We ?


  ArchiTeachers, we have chosen this name because it is a mixture between architects and teachers. We consider this this two professions, architects design buildings or a house whereas teachers have the opportunity to design children´s future, so it could be understood as a similarity between both professions.

Moreover, students are similar to builders. Builders build buildings brick by brick. On the other hand, students build their future day by day.
Teachers are really important for children, having a good teacher is the same as having a good architect. It means, buildings will be more secure with a good architect, and children´s future will be more guaranteed with an effective teacher. 

Our pet is an archilearner whose name is Manolo. It represents a student who is building his future represented by the wall. It contains different things as languages, music, games, technology and a board in order to show that Education is very important and the responsible of our future. Thanks to it, it is possible to gradually obtain better basis for our personal and professional future.

We are together in this group due to the fact that all of us have a similar way of working, we are going to work as a cooperative group.
Our best academic point is our punctuality and our organization.

As a group, our big fear is to fail after have worked hard. We are going to do our best so as to have a good result and it would be really painful to us if we do not  get what we want.

Now we are going to introduce ourselves,

Hello, my name is Carmen Albaladejo Ferrández. I am eighteen years old, last year I was studying last year of secondary school in IES Ruiz de Alda, a High School in San Javier, the village  where I was born. 
My best academic point is that I am a responsible person and I always do my best when I have to work in groups.
My worst academic point is that I tend to do everything in the last moment but always on time.
My dream is to spend a whole year travelling around the world with my friends.

Hi, my name is Carmen Díaz Martínez, I am from El Palmar, which is near to the University. Last year, I was studying pure sciences in High School because I really like biology.

This picture represents me because I like nature and animals, all kind of animals, but my favourite one is the cat.
I consider myself as a crazy cat lady. I enjoy eating, moreover I think is one of the best things in life. I like nearly all types of food. I also listen to music everyday, I like pop, rock, reggae... but I do not like electronic or trap music.
My best academic point is that I have a lot of patience, furthermore, I respect other opinions. I am not stubborn (as many members of my family are).
My worst academic point is that  I am an honest person, so I always say things as they are. Sometimes it is bad for me  because I do not realize that my words could affect other people´s feeling; and therefore I feel bad. I also have character, which it could be consider a good or a bad point.
My dream is to stay positive, enjoy the life, laugh as much as I can, and help others. especially children.
I would be afraid if something bad happens to any member of my family.

Hello, my name is María del Mar Fernández Rodríguez, I am nineteen years old. Last year I was studying second year of Social Sciences and Bilingual Bachelor.
I have choose this photo because it is my puppie Willow and it represents me in many aspects, but the most relevant is that we are very active and also, he is one example of my obsession for animals, in general. 
My dream is to teach in different countries to interact with a large variety of cultures to enrich my own and to be capable to give to everyone, despite the cultural differences, the same focusing on their needs.
In the academic context, my best point is that I have lots of loquacity and my worst is that I am very demanding and picky sometimes. And my biggest fear is injustice.

My name is María Ángeles Alonso Pérez and I am eighteen years old. Last year I was studying in ¨La Flota¨High School which is in Murcia, the city where I was born. 
I have chosen this picture because it represents me, I love to sleep and my cat too, but the differences is that my cat is teo or three times bigger than the cat in the picture.
My dream is to celebrate each New Years Eve in a different country, according to their costumes, but my biggest dream is never stop dreaming and become my dreams into goals and then follow them in order to achieve them.
My best and worst academic point is that I am an organize person, it is positive because I am able to study everything if I have organized it before, but it is negative because if I do not achieve what I have prepared before I will be overwhelmed.

Hi, I am María Dolores Minin Avilés, I am eighteen years old and last year I was studying my last course of High School in a bilingual group of English and French, furthermore I studied maths, art history and economy.
In my opinion my best academic point is that I learn really fast when I am interested on a topic and my worst academic point is that I am not good in learning things by heart.
My biggest dream is to have a reason to smile everyday.
I have chosen a candle to represent me for two main reasons. On the one hand, a candle is something really simple, it is not a complex electronical device, I do not want a live full of ornaments. On the other hand, even if it is simple, a candle has an important function. A candle shines, brights, lights and illuminates. And as a candle I want to shine, a little candle can illuminate a whole room. And I want to illuminate other people´s live with my own light.

Hello, my name is Maria Angela Viudez García. I am 18 years old, last year I studied 2nd Social Sciences Bachelor. I live in Cuevas del Almanzora, a small town on the east coast of Almeria, although during the week I am living in Murcia to be able to go to the University.
Since I was little, I always had the dream of forming a family and being able to live with them in the foreigner for a few years.
I am a very constant person in my work and I also like to help others, however, I find it very difficult to speak in public.
I have chosen this photo because I consider myself a very fraternal person. My family and my friends are the most important thing in my life, therefore, I am very close to them.

Hiii! My name is Rajae Aguili Aguili. I am 19 years old, last year i was  in the 1º of education primary degree. I am from Morocco, i live in Spain in El Palmar(Murcia).

-What is my dream? To live as well as to let others live (Ghandi's rule of conduct).

-Academically, my best point is: the fact i do not fail i only find the ways which lead to failure since i read these words of Thomas Addison.

-My negative point i am a procrastinator.

I have chosen this picture because is a product of a honest love and it shows clearly the sense of my life: which is to act in my surroundings as a teacher in order to widespread happiness  among the whole world, i mean if you make someone happy , surely he will make another person happy and so on...

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