viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

📈 A N A L Y S T

Hi everyone!
I am Mª Dolores Minin Avilés and this week I am the analyst of ArchiTeachers!!
As it was our first task we were really excited and a little nervous because we did not know how it would be.
This week we had to build and create 5 conceptual pictures about education. From my point of view it was a very good way to know better what we, as group, think about education, and as future teachers is important to have a clear idea about this topic. 
We decided to make our own pictures and it was a complicated task to us for the reason that we didn´t know very well how to modify them to create what we wanted. The only person that knew how to do it was María del Mar, who guides us to create our "master pieces".
However we have worked very well as a group, because we all wanted to make something original and creative. Honestly I am really happy about the work of my team, we hadn´t work together before it is being a good experience since we are very motivated.
Even if it was an easy task, we had a good organization. Everyone knew what to do in every moment.
Definitely we have to improve with the use of ICT since we did not know how to create a blog and how to write on it. Furthermore we did not know how to use Twitter! It seems like we are elderly women... But we had never worked with it.
It has been a productive week because we have learned how to use apps to modify the pictures, how a blog works and how to cooperate with new people. Moreover we have learned that a picture may have a very deep meaning. And how to express our ideas using just a photo.
To sum up, we want to keep working like we have done this week because we have felt very comfortable with each other.
Thanks for reading!!
Have a nice week ðŸ‘·ðŸ”¨

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