viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

👷 T H E T A S K

In the first session we have reproduce an art exposition with the following pictures: 

Overwhelmed by the School

This picture seems to be simple and without too much information to show but we are NOT going to JUDGE by the appearance.
The first thing to stand out is the hurricane and the scary face of the student. Hurricane represents the busy life of a primary student. When they arrive at home, they have to do many things such as maths´ exercises, studying for the science exam or even  make a ''piece of art'' for the art class. So, as it is easy to see, they have no free time to be spent doing other activities, sports, hobbies...
As a result, students tend to get locked and bored instead of enjoying the amazing and entertaining process of learning. Also, this situation is the possible answer to the question of ''Why students try not to go to school adding excuses, for instance?''.
Finally, school should change this overwhelmed situation in order to give them the possibility to demonstrate and discover their positive and hidden talents.


In this picture, the main idea is isolation represented by the girl inside the glass bottle. Its main goal is to show how some people aren't able to be integrated in the group and, as a result, isolation appears. Sometimes, people used to judge others because they don't talk with others, for example, but we shouldn't do that as we don't know the possible causes of that behaviour or way of being. In the educational context, it is usually to see that for reasons as personality (shyness), groups already formed or even hidden problems this type of person need some help, as they by their own are incapable to reach integration. As a suggestion to avoid the feeling of being in a bubble apart from the world, teachers should encourage the idea of empathy and helping others.

Brainstorm Vs Standby


This photo can be funny because of the sperm, but just keep calm as it is a metaphor to represent the brainstorm transmitted by the teacher and reached by the student.
It is easy to appreciate two different kinds of students. Moreover the teaching and learning process is represented as the fecundation, where the knowledge is symbolized as sperm. The teacher spread the knowledge across the classroom and as, in the fecundation process,  when the knowledge arrives to the mind of the student, a new idea is born. Also, this contributes to the encouragement of the student's creativity and to give her a new point of view about the topic of the moment.
On the one hand, there is a student that is paying attention, in whose mind ideas are borning.
On the other hand there is a student that is not paying attention, she is thinking about other topics. In this case, there is no learning process, so not borning ideas.

Do differences matter?

In this photo we can see the differences in behavior shown by the teacher with her different students. The teacher is disparaging the student of the right because she has a different ethnicity or race; and nevertheless she please the student on the left for being of her same race. In that school a situation of injustice is shown. Architeachers want to highlight that we are all equal despite race, ethnic, ideology or even biological differences. Teachers and also students should take into account that with injustice they hurt other´s feelings and this is not fair. It would be a perfect idea to have a rubric to give an objective punctuation in some aspects as the part "ATTITUDE" in the assessment.

Feeling Observed

 Firstly, we want to say that the eyes that appear in this photograph represent the people judging and seeing you. This photo shows two different types of people. On the one hand, the girl on the left represents a nerd by her physical appearance and talents shown. On the other hand, the girl on the right is a fat person. At first sight we judge them, and we should not do it. We do not know anything about them or about their lives. We are nobody to judge. Architeachers want to send a message to everyone: DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE UNKNOWN!  Because sometimes, these kind of people really worth it, but we do not tend to give them opportunities or we do not leave them explain or try to integrate. We want to help children in changing this way of thinking and acting, brick by brick !

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi ArchiTeachers! It´s been incredible your work about conceptual thinking. Your educational ideas are very good represented in the images. Congratulations for your creativity.
    SPACERS 2.0

  2. Thank you so much!, as well we loved your work, it is really amazing the creativity that each group put in their work.
