viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

📖 T R A N S L A T O R

Hello Archilearners!! 🙌
I´m Dolores and this week I am the translator of ArchiTeachers 👷🔨
For this task we have worked with the concept of Complexity and this are the 5 keywords:

  • COMPLEXITY THEORY: Schools are complex systems that involve many people, ideas, beliefs and a specific context. They are composed by different levels.
  • LEVELS: They have their own set of knowledge. They are connected between them and they have open boundaries where information and ideas are exchanged.
  • CONTEXT: The unique and specific context that surrounded the school. It is influenced by its people, history and culture. And makes each school special.
  • CHANGE: Every complex system is constant change, as there are new ideas, events and innovations.
  • NEWSPAPER EDITOR: The person in charge of compile information and news in order to make the newspaper.
I hope you can understand our work reading these 5 words!!
See you soon!

Have a nice week 🔨👷

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